

About me.. 
A more focused blogging for intricate detail on Second Life quality fashion, events, and endless desire to discover sims, old and new, created by highly creative designers. Where every Blogs are high quality photos possible in vivid reviews. Inspire, attract and convey to readers and viewers on common compelling vision in harmony of products presentation.

Feeds and Followed page..
I made this page so that it will not be just only at the side bar. This one is a quick background of those I am attached and evolved at Second Life, where my blog is on feeds and those pages I get interested to browse from time to time.

Friends, Partners and Sponsor page, which contain some designers whom are my friends, and partners with responsibilities big or small at Second Life. And then the logos I blog for, where I am indebted everything as they shared it gallantly.

Every dress, pose, or objects came from highly admired designers are treated with treasure. These are given utmost attention to digital marketing, where I am fully challenge on my Second Life moments. Unlike other bloggers perhaps, I take every step with Digital Marketing factor. Why it is Digital Marketing, please take a quick look, click this http://bit.ly/DigitMktg.


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